Quantec’s Technical team has a vast collective amount of experience. Our core team is made up of  Professional Geoscientists that have worked in the area of data analysis and interpretation most of their careers.

Technical Team

Mehran Gharibi – Head of Interpretation Dept. P. Geo., Ph.D. in Geophysics

Mehran is experienced in mineral and geothermal exploration using magnetotelluric, electrical resistivity and IP methods. Current research interests include applying these to SAGD, heavy oil,  fracking, and 4D monitoring; developing tools and protocols for joint 2D inversion of MT, DC, and IP TITAN 24 datasets; exploring inner properties of omni-directional 3D DCIP ORION 3D datasets.

Mehran possesses extensive knowledge in exploration geophysics and has published several scientific papers, including ones on these topics:

  • Development of interpretation techniques for analyzing time-lapse electrical resistivity data.
  • Developing 2D and 3D time-lapse ERI techniques for monitoring evolution of contaminants at remediation sites.
  • Time-lapse integrated electromagnetic and electrical methods at remediation sites.

Jimmy Stephen – Senior Geophysicist: P. Geo., Ph.D. in Geophysics

Jimmy possesses extensive experience in land and airborne geophysical surveying, processing and interpretation. This includes many years of work with gravity and magnetic surveys worldwide, both airborne and land, including one of the largest airborne gravity and magnetic surveys ever flown, in Saudi Arabia (over 300,000 line-km). He has project managed several integrated geophysical exploration projects for oil & gas companies and other energy companies and government organizations. Some of these involved the regional mapping of sub-trappean sedimentary basins in Central India.

His skills include 2D/3D modelling of various geophysical datasets and the interpretive integration of different types of data including magnetotelluric (MT), magnetic, gravity, DC resistivity (DC) and induced polarization (IP). Jimmy specialises in gravity and magnetic data interpretation for structural identification, using various trend enhancements and modeling techniques. He is experienced with derivative techniques, Euler deconvolution and tilt derivatives.

Jimmy has conducted research on using gravity/topo data to estimate lithospheric strength and anisotropy within continental shields, published several papers in peer reviewed journals, and presented at international conferences.

Benoît Tournerie – Senior Geophysicist: P. Geo., Ph.D. in Earth Sciences – Geophysics

Benoît provides analysis and interpretation of magnetotelluric (MT), DC and IP data for mining, oil & gas and geothermal exploration projects; these include 2D and 3D TITAN 24 (DC/IP/MT) and SPARTAN (MT) datasets, as well as ORION 3D (DC/IP/MT). Benoît has been a key contributor to the design and development of Quantec’s ORION 3D method. His main research interests are focused on the application of magnetotelluric methods for resource exploration and definition. He develops software for survey design, data QA/QC, and also contributes to improvements on the inversion / interpretation of Quantec DCIP and MT datasets.

Saman Perera – B.Sc., M.Sc. (Mineral Exploration)

José Antonio (Tono) Rodríguez, P.Geo., B.A., M.Sc. (Geophysics)

Tono has worked in geoscience-related industries for over 30 years, in positions ranging from a geophysical programmer and business developer for the oil and gas service industry in Calgary, to managing exploration and development projects for geothermal power generation in Central America.  While working in El Salvador and Nicaragua, Tono was principally responsible for the oversight of the exploration, construction, and commercial operation of over 220 MWe of new geothermal capacity. Since joining Quantec in 2014, he has focused on project management, quality control, and inversion of DCIP data.

Jeff Warne – Geophysicist: B.A.Sc. (Geophysics option)

Jeff commenced his career in 1981 after attending Queen’s University. Initially based in Vancouver with Lloyd Geophysics he was responsible for acquisition of 100’s of kilometers of time domain IP data at Pine Point Mines on behalf of Cominco. He subsequently joined Quantec where has worked for over 25 years and was involved with the initial IP data acquisition at Collahuasi in South America contributing to the discovery of the Ujina deposit. Jeff now works in the interpretation department at Quantec. He provides analysis and interpretation of DCIP data as well as gravity, magnetics and EM. Jeff has a wealth of experience in survey logistics and survey design.

Leduar Ramayo Cortes – Geoscientist: PhD in Geology and Geophysicist

Leduar is experienced in mineral and oil and gas exploration using magnetotellurics, electrical resistivity and IP methods. He possesses extensive knowledge in exploration geophysics and has published several scientific papers, including ones on these topics:

  • Deep IPDC and MT Imaging For Exploring Porphyry Deposits
  • Geophysical Exploration in Lithium Salars.

His responsibilities include business development and integrated interpretation of TITAN  DCIP/MT, ORION  3D DCIP/MT, conventional DCIP, SPARTAN MT, CSAMT, and magnetic survey data in combination with legacy geophysical data and geology datasets.

Research and Development Team

Roger Sharpe – Senior Geophysicist: P.Geo. B.Sc.

Roger has been leading teams in the geophysical service sector for over 30 years. Having held positions as General Manager, Senior Interpreter and Manager of R&D, Roger provides clients with a broad range of technical experience for advanced interpretation, survey design and equipment development. Prior to joining Quantec, Roger was Chief Geophysicist at Battle Mountain Gold Company, and at Multi-Phase Technologies he was Senior Geophysicist in hardware and software development for 3D monitoring. Roger is responsible for quality assurance and survey integrity. Roger heads the R&D team which is responsible for maintenance and development of Quantec’s proprietary software and advanced systems including; ORION 3D, TITAN 24 and SPARTAN MT. Roger’s alma mater is Queen’s University and he is a member of APGO, SEG and KEGS.

Andrey Zhurba – Programmer

Andrey has been designing and improving digital acquisition systems and methods in seismological and geophysical fields for over 30 years. He provides critical extensive support to the hardware design team, develops data acquisition controlling firmware as well as firmware for field setup gear and time efficient processing software for acquired data. Andrey strives to provide quality data, such as low noise and precise calibration functionality for Quantec and has been his main focus of interest over his career.  Andrey also has outstanding digital and analog hardware debugging experience. Andrey received his Bachelors degree in Automation and Control Systems in 1996. 

Michael Senko – Electrical Technician

Michael provides technical support for design, implementation and repair of Quantec’s advanced geophysical equipment. He has over 10 years experience within the geophysical sector in survey acquisition, technical support of equipment and in-house product development. Michael has excellent troubleshooting skills acquired from working with airborne surveys. Previously, Michael worked in the Biotech industry where he gained experience in product development from concept to prototype. He is experienced in basic mechanical design and generation of parts, electronic design and pcb layout.

Mehran Gharibi – Head of Interpretation Dept. P. Geo., Ph.D. in Geophysics

Mehran is experienced in mineral and geothermal exploration using magnetotelluric, electrical resistivity and IP methods. Current research interests include applying these to SAGD, heavy oil,  fracking, and 4D monitoring; developing tools and protocols for joint 2D inversion of MT, DC, and IP TITAN 24 datasets; exploring inner properties of omni-directional 3D DCIP ORION 3D datasets.