Geophysical Survey Technology


Quantec offers safe and high-quality data acquisition, processing, inversion, interpretation and consulting services on an array of geophysical technology like: Time Domain Electromagnetics (TEM); Borehole Time Domain Electromagnetics (BTEM), Induced Polarization (IP) and Resistivity, Magnetics and VLF, Gravity, Magnetotellurics (MT), and Controlled Source Magnetotellurics (CSAMT).

Since 1986, Quantec has carried out over 5000 geophysical programs all over the world. We have been involved with and have directly contributed to a number of significant world class discoveries. Our collective knowledge achieved throughout the years is available for your project. Feel free to call or email us to discuss your project.



Controlled Source Audio magnetotellurics (CSAMT): a low cost geophysical technique providing deep geologic information based on lateral and vertical resistivity contrasts.

Gravity: a traditional high-precision method for measuring density contrasts relating to economic resources buried at depth.

Induced Polarization (IP) / Resistivity: a means of detecting and mapping conductive mineralization, disseminated mineralization, alteration, geology, etc.

Magnetotellurics (MT): a traditional passive surface geophysical method used to determine the electrical resistivity of the subsurface to great depth. It is effective for mapping conductive zones, as well as deep-seated structures.

Time Domain Electromagnetics (TEM): a traditional technique deployed from either surface or boreholes. Quantec also provides Frequency Domain EM (FEM).

Magnetics: a traditional technique for mapping geologic structure, geology and mineralization in grassroots mineral exploration.

Radiometrics: a traditional technique that measures gamma radiation emanating from the decay of potassium, uranium and thorium radio-elements. This survey is a useful mapping tool however has no depth penetration.

VLF (Very Low Frequency Electromagnetics): a rapid method for identifying near surface                                                                      conductors, structural conductors. The data may be inverted to produce resistivity sections.





Quantec assists with discovery of Ujina Copper Deposit

Read about the Discovery of the Uinji Copper Discovery, visit our  REFERENCE  PAGE


In addition Quantec has developed leading advanced technology for deeper and more thorough exploration specifically developed to provide improved targeting in deeper exploration environments.

Consider ORION 3D for structurally complex situations.

Also find out more about  TITAN 24  and SPARTAN MT , two leading technologies for deeper high resolution imaging.