Title: Characterisation
Geology: Alkali porphyry
Client: Newmont Mining
Technology: TITAN 24
Location: Nevada, USA
Sector: Mining
The aim of the survey was to map chargeability anomalies associated with potential secondary supergene chalcocite copper mineralization and copper skarn hypogene mineralization. The survey traverses an area between historic open pits.
A TITAN 24 survey was conducted across an area of historic Cu and Cu-Au open pit mining in the Copper Basin area of Central Nevada.
Three priority drill targets were identified from IP.
The addition of the MT data set helped to define not only the near surface horizontal feature, but also:
- Allowed the intrusives to be mapped to depth
- Defined a parallel deeper feature
- Highlighted features potentially related to the ore emplacement
Top: MT resistivity shown to 1700m
Middle section: DC resistivity shown to 750m
Bottom section: IP (chargeability)