Calgary , Alberta CANADA, June 28, 2011 /FSC/ – Boxxer Gold Corp. (BXX – TSX Venture, BXXRF – OTC Pink), is pleased to provide an update of the results from the diamond drilling program and the Quantec TITAN-24 DCIP/MT survey completed over the northern portion of its 100% owned Boss copper-gold project located in the Goodsprings Mining District, southern Nevada.
Diamond Drill Hole (“DDH”) DDH-07-2011 intersected three intervals of visible oxide copper (malachite-copper oxide mineral) mineralization. The Quantec survey covered a large area around the former Oro Amigo (copper-gold) mine and the Keystone Thrust fault. The results of the three Titan-24 surveys completed in this portion of the Boss project have been compiled into a three dimensional (“3D”) model. The results from the structural geological study should be received in the next couple of weeks.
a) Diamond Drill Hole (“DDH”) DDH-07-2011 intersected three intervals of visible oxide copper mineralization from 0 to 37.1m, from 139.3 to 145.7m and from 200.6 to 207.9m The drilling program has been suspended until mid-late September due to extreme temperature conditions,
b) Target BE#1 (positive chargeability and low resistivity) that was previously tested by DDH-03-2010 has been more precisely defined and measures approximately 1,000m by 1,000m at a depth of 300m below surface. A compilation of the three Titan-24 surveys that covered this target, suggests that the original DDH-03-2010 may have been drilled on the edge of the chargeability anomaly,
c) Target BE#6 is a large almost circular shaped area (approximately 1,500m long by 2,000m wide at a depth of 300m below surface) of positive chargeability and moderate resistivity centered around the former Oro Amigo copper-gold mine,
d) Target BE#7 is a continuous northeast trending zone (approximately 500m wide) of positive chargeability that extends from west of the former Boss Mine (copper-gold producer), through the Breccia zone and past the Oro Amigo mine (copper-gold) a distance of 6.0 kilometers. This anomaly appears to intersect the large circular anomaly located around the former Oro Amigo mine, and
e) Geochemical results show that DDH-04-2011, DDH-05-2011 and DDH-06-2011 have intersected multiple intervals of anomalous gold and silver concentrations.
Boxxer’s President and CEO, Elmer B. Stewart, explained, “The visible oxide copper mineralization in DDH-07-2011 and the anomalous gold values in DDH-06-2011 are very encouraging and represent the strongest visible mineralization and geochemical anomalies intersected to date in the drilling program which supports the porphyry copper potential for the Goodsprings Mining District. Compilation of the three Quantec Surveys completed over the northern portion of the Boss project is developing a chargeability pattern that was not readily apparent from the first two Quantec surveys. The recent Quantec survey has located a large circular chargeability target located immediately east of the former Oro Amigo mine and a linear zone of chargeability that hosts numerous zones of copper-gold mineralization”.
Diamond Drilling:
DDH-07-2011 tested a coincident oxide copper mineralization and chargeability anomaly located within the Boss Extension copper-gold skarn. This hole intersected visible oxide copper mineralization from 0 to 37.1m, from 139.3 to 145.7m and from 200.6 to 207.9m. The visible oxide copper mineralization occurs along fractures and as disseminations hosted in white-pink-grey marble. This hole was completed to a depth of 456.4m. Significant intervals of silicification were observed from 32.0m to 76.8m, from 247.2m to 314.3m and from 323.5m to 360.7m. This hole is currently in the process of being assayed, and the results will be announced as soon as they are available. The drilling has been suspended due to the very high temperatures experienced in this part of Nevada during the summer months. Additional diamond drill holes are planned from this setup and on the Oro Amigo patented mineral claims currently scheduled to commence in mid to late September. The reader is cautioned that visible copper mineralization does not necessarily equate to significant concentrations of copper and there is no assurance that the assay results of the samples from this drill hole will yield significant copper values.
Analytical results for DDH-04-2011, DDH-05-2011 and DDH-06-2011 have been received. The zones of anomalous concentrations of silver are set out below.
DDH ID From To Interval Silver
(m) (m) (m) (g/t)
DDH-04-2011 556.0 579.3 23.3 2.47
including 564.3 565.8 1.49 12.50
604.5 612.8 8.3 0.88
DDH-05-2011 17.3 40.9 23.7 0.69
DDH-06-2011 220.5 230.1 9.6 0.93
247.5 270.1 22.6 1.30
Note: The above stated intervals are not true thickness.
The silver concentrations in these drill holes occur within pyritic skarn. These mineralized intervals do not contain significant concentrations of other elements. In addition to the zones set out in the above table a considerable number of single anomalous samples of silver occur in all three holes.
The geochemistry of DDH-06-2011 is significantly different that shown in DDH-04-2011 and DDH-05-2011. DDH-06-2011 contains significantly more widespread intervals of anomalous gold values as follows: i) from 160.4m to 172.3m with values ranging from 0.01 g/t to 0.05 g/t; ii) from 180.4m to 199.5m with gold values ranging from 0.01 g/t to 0.49 g/t; iii) and from 202.5m to 230.1m with gold values ranging from 0.01 g/t to 0.08 g/t. The interval from 220.5m to 230.21m also contains anomalous concentrations of copper (average 176 ppm) and silver (average 0.93 g/t).
Titan-24 DCIP and MT Geophysical Survey:
The recent Titan-24 survey has outlined 42 new geophysical targets identified as follows; 6 high priority, 14 moderate-high priority, 17 moderate priority and 4 low-moderate priority targets.
Target BE#1:
Diamond Drill Hole (“DDH”)-03-2010 tested this anomaly in late 2010 and failed to explain the cause of the chargeability anomaly. The results of the recent survey combined with modeling of the previous data have identified a significant anomaly that persists to a depth of at least 600m below surface. The deeper (below 200m) portion of this anomaly was masked by conductive Quaternary sediments. At a depth of 300m below surface, the anomaly measures (1,000m by 1,000m). The resistivity anomaly associated with the chargeability signature is interpreted to represent alteration of the surrounding rocks. It appears that DDH-03-2010 may have been drilled at the edge of this anomaly.
Target BE#6: is located approximately 6,000m northeast of the Boss Extension copper-gold skarn and immediately northeast of the former Oro Amigo copper-gold mine. The geophysical anomaly (positive chargeability and moderate-high resistivity) is roughly circular in shape and measures 1,500m by 1,000m with chargeability increasing at depth. The chargeability and resistivity signatures coincide with a low MT signature which suggests an intrusive at depth. The near surface shape of the chargeability anomaly suggests upward “leakage” along a fault zone from a much larger chargeability body at depth. This could explain the lack of significant alteration around the Oro Amigo mine.
Target BE#7: is a northeast trending zone (approximately 500m wide by 4,000m long) of positive chargeability that host numerous zones of copper-gold mineralization and the area referred to as the Breccia zone. At a depth of 300m below surface the chargeability anomaly exhibits a moderate to low resistivity. The shift in the resisitivity to the south could be due to either a south dipping body or substantial movement along a northeast trending fault zone. At a depth of approximately 300m below surface, the chargeability anomaly displays a roughly circular shape and measures approximately 1,000m by 1,000m.
Elmer B. Stewart, MSc. P. Geol., President of Boxxer, is the Corporation’s nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument #43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed the technical information disclosed in this news release.
About Boxxer Gold Corp.
Boxxer Gold is a Canadian junior resource company involved in the exploration of the Boss and Buena Vista copper projects in the state of Nevada, the DOK copper-gold porphyry property in Northwest B.C., the East Breccia copper-silver-molybdenum property in Ontario, and a shear hosted gold project located 110 kilometres north of Yellowknife NWT, Canada.
For more information on Boxxer please visit our website at or contact:
Boxxer Gold Corp
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Investor Relations
Tel: 416-350-2794
Fax: 416-350-2794
Boxxer Gold Corp
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Tel: 1- 403- 804-2251
Toll Free: 1-888-479-3596
Torrey Hills Capital
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