Following completion of the deep-seeking Titan 24 DCIP and MT surveys in 2008, Buchans Minerals selected an initial set of five drill targets located within the same package of felsic volcanic rocks that host all previously mined ore in Buchans. Highlights from these 5 holes (4,286 metre program) include intersections of four high-grade massive sulphide clasts up to 7 centimetres in diameter including a 0.10 metre section assaying 32.19% combined lead + zinc + copper. This intercept occurs within a mineralized breccia horizon which means it may be proximal to thicker debris flow style of mineralization similar to that mined historically within the former MacLean and Rothermere mines.
Results generated by this initial drilling campaign should facilitate further screening of the numerous remaining Titan geophysical anomalies to identify signatures potentially more consistent with base metal rich sulphide accumulations. Selected Titan anomalies identified from this re-interpretation will be prioritized for future drill campaigns.
In 2007 Quantec Geoscience Limited was contracted to complete a Titan 24 DCIP & MT geophysical surveys over a 3.6 x 5.1 km portion of the Buchans Mining camp covering several past producing orebodies including the former Lucky Strike, Rothermere and MacLean mines as well as the undeveloped Clementine prospect. This area accounts for a large proportion of the historical production at Buchans and hosts significant potential for further discoveries both down plunge and adjacent to the known deposits. While historical geophysical surveys on Buchans may have explored to depths of up to 250 m, the Titan 24 DCIP (Direct Current resistivity and Induced Polarization) & MT (Magnetotelluric) surveys are designed to locate deep sulphide rich zones up to an effective depth of 500 to 750 m for the DCIP and more than 1,000 m depth for the MT surveys.
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