VANCOUVER, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ – Focus Ventures Ltd. (TSX-V: FCV.V) is pleased to report that it has received notification from the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines that its Environmental Impact Declaration has been approved for its Chucara project, allowing drilling to commence on the property. The Company is currently arranging for mobilization of a drill rig, and the drill program will be initiated as soon as the rig is on site.


The Company also reports the completion of a high-resolution geophysical survey over the property, that;


– successfully mapped the down dip and strike extensions of the polymetallic sulphide-bearing veins which host the high-grade gold and silver mineralization at Chucara – mapped a strong conductor probably associated with massive sulphide mineralization and the down dip extensions of known mineralization under the Wences, Maria and Consuzo veins – identified possible “feeder” veins to the mineralized veins mapped and sampled on surface


The results from the geophysical CSAMT survey (Controlled Source Audio – Magnetotellurics) have been integrated and modeled in 3D together with surface and underground sample data and geological mapping. Drill targets for the upcoming program include:


– stacked, high grade en-echelon quartz – semi-massive sulphide veins that were mapped over a 850m x 300m ridge in the southern part of the property, where a total of 91 samples gave average grades of 7.4 g/t Au and 439 g/t Ag (14 oz/t) over widths averaging 0.6m (see press release August 5, 2010) – a larger, underlying moderate to high conductivity anomaly at 100m – 150m depth, that is orientated parallel to the sampled high grade veins described above – depth and strike extensions of the past-producing high grade veins in the northern part of the concession (as defined by underground stope maps and the CSAMT survey) and deeper feeder zones and possible disseminated targets.


Focus is exploring for a high-grade gold, silver and base metals deposit at Chucara within a system of intermediate sulphidation-type epithermal veins. The veins are located within a northwest-southeast corridor with high-grade Au-Ag mineralization sampled at surface over at least 2 km. The 700 ha property, which is 45 km southeast of Barrick’s Lagunas Norte Mine and 18 km east of the Comarsa Au-Ag Mine, covers most of an historic Ag-Au (Pb-Zn) mine, and the untested south-eastern extension of the mineralization. No drilling has ever been undertaken on the property. Focus’s drilling will test for deep feeder targets and disseminated mineralization.




A CSAMT geophysical survey (which measures resistivity and conductivity contrasts) completed by Quantec Geoscience successfully mapped the down dip and strike extensions of the polymetallic sulphide-bearing veins which hosts the gold and silver mineralization at Chucara. The survey also outlined deep targets that are blind at surface.


Eleven lines were surveyed at a NNW – SSE orientation (total 28.3 km). The survey was high density, with lines spaced 100m apart to allow detection of quite narrow structures down to an effective depth of 700m below surface. The program mapped a strong conductor averaging approximately 4 ohm-ms, most probably associated with massive sulphide mineralization and the down dip extensions of known mineralization under the steeply dipping Wenses, Maria and Consuzo veins located on the northern edge of the property. The anomalies commence immediately below the projection of the old workings at a depth of approximately 150m and intensify to their maximum of (less than)1 ohm-ms at a depth of approximately 500m below surface. The anomaly was traced over 4 consecutive lines for an approximate strike length of 300m.


At the southern end of the property in the Chip-Chip, Confianza and the Esperanza zones, a relatively flat zone of moderately high conductivity averaging approximately 30 ohm-ms was mapped 100m to 150m below surface and parallel to the “stacked” mineralized veins mapped on surface. The anomaly, with a surface area larger than 400m x 800m, is more extensive than the area of horizontal veins mapped on surface.


Also encouraging is that under the Chip-Chip zone and also part of the Confianza zone the horizontal conductor is joined on its underside by narrower vertical conductors which could be fluid conduits or “feeder” veins to the mineralized veins mapped on surface and to mineralization possibly associated with the flat conductor.


Noteworthy is a distinctive and sharp change in the overall back ground level of conductivity – resistivity from north to south across the property. The northern half of the project has an overall higher background level of conductivity while the southern half is distinctly more resistive. The break between the two domains occurs almost exactly at the ex-producer Wences Vein or where there is distinct change in vein orientation from relatively flat in the south to steeply dipping in the north. The exact reason for the change in both the geophysical response and also the change in vein orientation will be determined by future exploration and drilling.


Geophysical sections will be available shortly on the Focus website


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this release was prepared under the supervision of Mr. David Cass, Focus’s President, who is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, and a “Qualified Person” in accordance with NI 43-101.


Samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex Laboratories in Lima. Gold was assayed by Atomic Adsorption Spectrometry with fire assay gravimetric finish. Silver was determined by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES, with fire assay gravimetric finish. ALS Chemex’s quality control system complies with International Standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 17025:2005. Analytical accuracy and precision are monitored by the analysis of reagent blanks, reference material and replicate samples.


About Focus Ventures


Focus Ventures is acquiring advanced, drill-ready projects in Peru. Backed by an experienced technical team of geologists and consultants, Focus’s strategy is to identify and acquire former producing mines or un-tested gold properties that show potential to become new mines.



Ralph Rushton, Vice-President, Corporate Development


Contact: Erin Ostrom / Ralph Rushton


Symbol: TSXV-FCV


Shares Issued: 29.2-million


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Focus Ventures Ltd.


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