World leader’s in the acquisition of MT data.

Quantec is a world leader in the acquisition of MT data. We have focused on collecting the best possible deep data for our clients through the development of MT receivers and the continuous improvement approach to data acquisition methodologies.

The SPARTAN MT survey is highly versatile and can be quickly deployed for both local and regional mapping. Survey designs can be tailored to different needs, including 1D for vertical data at a single site, 2D with survey lines spaced from 100m to 10 km, and 3D with grids of regular or irregular station spacing. The resulting resistivity data aids in drill planning for near-surface exploration, while also providing deep structural insights up to 2000m and mapping mineral systems up to 50 km deep.

Exploring with MT
since 2000

One of the most sophisticated and accurate surveys for providing surface to depth resistivity imaging for a variety of regional, local and remote applications.

Countries visited


SPARTAN MT is a robust, full-tensor audio-magnetotelluric technology that acquires high quality data in the 10 kHz to 0.001 Hz frequency band. Data are presented as resistivities and correlate with geology, structure and potential geothermal reservoirs. Quantec’s SPARTAN MT system provides a unique and effective method for obtaining deep resistivity over a variety of terrains. With high portability and flexible deployment, SPARTAN MT is environmentally friendly and non-invasive. Depth of investigation is from surface to 10,000 m and beyond.

Proven expertise in MT acquisition enables Quantec to deliver premium-quality data and effective interpretations that accurately map resistivities to depth. The SPARTAN systems are deployed globally, in both MT and DCIP modes, to provide clients with unique configurations tailored to challenging environments where deep imaging and high-quality data are required.

MT (Magnetotellurics) is a passive electromagnetic technique that maps resistivity by measuring the telluric currents induced in the earth by natural sources: lightning, solar flares, and ionospheric resonances. MT infers the earth’s subsurface electrical properties from measurements of natural electric and magnetic fields at the earth’s surface. SPARTAN MT is a 10-channel, 24-bit data acquisition system (see diagram below); at each MT site, 10 channels are run simultaneously and can collect 6 magnetic fi­eld measurements. Spartan MT uses 3 high-frequency (HF) and 3 low-frequency (LF) coils for maximum sensitivity and the highest quality data possible.  By measuring full tensor data in the 10 KHz to.001 Hz frequency band, investigation depth ranges from near surface down to 10 km or more can be achieved by the system.

Resistivity section derived from MT data collection. 2D section shown to 1500 metres

Flexible survey design and high quality data acquisition

SPARTAN MT can be deployed in a number of configurations depending on your exploration requirements. Depending on the exploration initiative and budget, SPARTAN can be deployed in transects to collect 2D information or in some cases large grid patterns or even random deployment locations, that can accommodate harsh topography, geology, culture etc., may be used to acquire 3D data sets. The data is easily integrated with other data types to enhance interpretations. High quality data – full-tensor measurement provides sensitivity and accuracy. The Quantec system is very portable and rugged. Depending on the configuration an MT site may involve a set up as shown below.

Portable system for rapid deployment

SPARTAN MT survey plan, site locations with excluded sections in red

When to use SPARTAN MT?

Shallow (0-1000m) exploration – tight station spacing (~200 m), high frequency AMT (Audio band Magnetotellurics) recording

Regional target evaluation and exploration – wide station spacing (500m – 1000m), low frequency recording

Minesite and other culturally noisy environments where deeper local investigations are required near deposits. – flexible deployment and ability to record signal in the presence of noise

Complement to seismic – situations where seismic signal is degraded by near-surface, e.g. volcanic, heavily weathered, karst or permafrost cover
