Deep Ground-based geophysical surveys  TITAN DCIP & MT – Direct Current Induced Polarization (DCIP) and Magnetotelluric (MT) have been recently completed. Preliminary results are being used to guide current drill hole targeting.

As shown in Figure 1 below, the Grey Fox Deposit is comprised of six zones – Whiskey-Jack, Gibson, Contact, 147, 147NE and Grey Fox South (GFS) – denoted by yellow stars. These zones are located at the Southern end of Fox Complex’s Eastern Property, while the Black Fox and Froome Mines are at the northern end.

Figure 1. Fox Complex – Plan Surface Geology Map of the Eastern Property Including Black Fox, Froome and Grey Fox

The recently completed land-based infill DCIP and MT geophysical surveys at Grey Fox were primarily designed to identify subsurface anomalies that might be associated with orogenic and epithermal style mineralization within the Black Fox and Grey Fox exploration horizons. The drill targeting includes integrating existing data into a 3D model from completed geophysical surveys (historical and current) that will give better resolution near the surface and down to approximately 1,000 meters depth.

The Fox Complex Exploration team has identified a geophysical anomaly (resistivity high) from the TITAN-24 geophysics survey which represents a highly prospective drill target within the Black Fox Exploration horizon (see Figure 7). The anomaly, which spans about 600 meters along strike, is located northeast of the Whiskey Jack Zone and the A1 Fault. In addition, this anomaly appears to have a similar geophysical signature to the Black Fox Mine.


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