September 6th, 2018, Lexi Announces Final Geophysical Results are Positive on Over 36,000 Hectares of Brine Discoveries at Antofalla Salar
September 6, 2018 – Toronto, Ontario – Lithium Energi Exploration, Inc. (TSXV:LEXI) (“LEXI” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce positive results following the completion of its initial geophysical exploration program.  The geophysical surveys were executed to investigate sub-surface conductive brines under approximately 366 square kilometers of LEXI’s concessions in the northern portion of the Antofalla Salar, located in Catamarca Province, Argentina. The survey results were successful and impressive from a technical standpoint, delineating conductive strata from near surface to as great as 400 meters depth, and the results revealed that conductive strata consistent with unconfined brine aquifers occur extensively under almost all of the surveyed properties.LEXI’s CEO, Steven Howard observed, “These positive survey results are highly motivating. They suggest an abundant, uninterrupted reservoir exists under LEXI’s property holdings in the northern third of the Antofalla basin. Conductivity consistent with brine targets was delineated under the volcanic cover units on the basin’s margins, indicating that basin boundaries are much wider than the visible salt pan on surface.”  Howard added, “These results indicate the viability of further exploration activities for our northern property cluster.  Analyzing the resulting value proposition with potential strategic partners could promisingly extend those ongoing negotiations as a result. LEXI’s exploration team is advancing drill plans and permits to continue working towards a resource estimate that will deliver value to our shareholders.”

On March 25, 2018 and May 10, 2018, the Company had previously announced partial, preliminary results from this geophysical program, which was conducted by Quantec Geoscience Ltd., a world leader in mineral exploration with electromagnetic survey technologies. The final survey report encompassed approximately 200 line-kilometers of Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) Sounding profiles (comprised of 1,028 individual sounding sites) distributed along 36 survey lines. TEM technology is a fast, high-resolution exploration tool capable of imaging variations in sub-surface electrical resistivities to depths exceeding 500 m and has been a primary exploration tool in saline aquifer and fresh-water/brine interface projects for more than three decades. The final report from Quantec Geoscience adds further to the “better-than-expected” results related in the two previous news announcements, which indicate that the surveyed concessions (approximately 36,589 hectares within 14 semi-contiguous claims) exhibit electrical resistivity values and distribution patterns consistent with highly-conductive unconfined aquifers believed to be lithium-bearing brine horizons. These compelling survey results will contribute to the target discrimination for LEXI’s envisaged exploration drilling, intended to identify mineral chemistry, lithology, porosity, pump rates, and other hydrogeological factors.


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