The BEST 2D multi-parameter survey instrumentation available for deep, detailed DCIP and MT imaging.

High resolution DCIP data down to depths of 750 metres and more and complemented by MT resistivity down to depths of 2000 metres.

First introduced in 2000, TITAN has been evolving ever since

Still the most comprehensive way to get deep accurate multiparameter images of the subsurface. Applications from grassroots to the minesite.

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By imaging with TITAN with multi-parameters to depth you can reduce the number of drill holes required to test and explore the subsurface on your property.

Obtain detailed resistivity and chargeability information on resources, alteration, structure and geology leading to more cost-effective drill targeting near surface and up to depths of 2000 m.

Quantec’s professional Geophysical experts custom design each survey to overcome the challenges of your site and to meet your project objectives. Each survey’s layout and design are structured to provide best in class deep subsurface 2D imaging.

How Does It Work?

A complete line of connected receivers (24 or more) are deployed along a line. The line length can vary from 700 m to 5000 m depending on the dipole size used for the target and information desired. Typically in the day time an resistivity & induced polarization (DCIP) survey is executed and subsequently an MT survey is completed during the night. Both surveys are completed from one line set-up making for accurate overlay of survey information.

Once the line is set up, the current is injected at one side of the survey. (see above red dashed ellipse). All of the 24 (or more) deployed dipoles simultaneously read the response. After that event is recorded the current is moved up to the next injection point and another reading is taken. This continues throughout the day until the current has reached the other end of the line. By the end of the day, the survey line has been energized in two directions. That is, both the dipoles in front of the injection and behind are simultaneously reading. Both current leading and current lagging surveys are combined to produce the final result. The bi-directional sampling helps eliminate biased responses that may occur with conventional methods. Following the DCIP survey, the MT survey is then completed.

The MT effectively measures 24 MT sites spaced 50 to 100 metres (typically). This provides very high resolution MT surveying. Typically standard MT is deployed at 300 m spacing or more.  

A typical product looks like this.

TITAN MT & DCIP survey sections – Courtesy Newmont Mining Corporation

Top: DC Resistivity – Typically 750 m and deeper

Middle: IP – Typically 750 m and deeper

Bottom: MT Resistivity – High resolution sections from surface to 1500 m+

Note: depth of investigation is based on survey geometry and may vary due to design and or survey environment.

See The Difference
We compare TITAN DCIP to Traditional IP and show how TITAN MT compares to SPARTAN MT for closely spaced sites

TITAN DCIP vs Traditional IP approaches
Titan mt vs spartan MT on 200 meter site spacing