[av_textblock size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” color=” id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-kvjtdle4′ admin_preview_bg=”] 146 Sparks Avenue Toronto, Ontario M2H 2S4 Canada Tel: […]
Quantec Geoscience Argentina S.A. Mendoza, Argentina Manager: Nigel Unger Tel: +54-261-496-1414 nunger@quantecgeoscience.com Business Development: Leduar Ramayo Tel: +51-54-288-686 lramayo@quantecgeoscience.com
Quantec Geoscience Chile Ltda. Santiago, Chile Manager: Nigel Unger Tel: +56-2-2368-4564 nunger@quantecgeoscience.com Business Development: Leduar Ramayo Tel: +51-54-288-686 lramayo@quantecgeoscience.com
Quantec Geoscience (Peru) S.A.C. Arequipa, Peru Area Manager: John Spezeski Tel: +51-943-931-760 From North America Tel: +1 520 331 2348 […]
HIGHLIGHTS: Ground magnetic survey results over Cascabel concession reveal exciting targets. Exceptionally high-quality product produced from 650km of total field […]
Find out about ORION3D: The most comprehensive imaging available today, for best practice drill planning to 1000 metres.
Plan one year in advance to make sure that you have time built into your exploration schedule to run and […]
Established in 1986 To provide accurate imaging of the subsurface to the exploration world. Our global experience is unsurpassed. We […]
Clients say they have more successful drill programs when they use Quantec. Quite simply more information earlier leads to improved targeting. […]
The IP survey at the Chivas Zone succeeded in identifying a strong near surface chargeability high anomaly with a 2.4 […]