Drilling Intersects a 55.4m Sulphide
Zone at Lynn Lake Nickel Project

Success in the first drill hole testing a newly identified pipe-like
geophysical anomaly at the priority Fraser Lake Complex

Key Highlights
Innovative geophysical survey defined several pipe-like conductive bodies linking
into areas of drill-defined nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide mineralisation within the
Fraser Lake Complex at Lynn Lake.
The initial drill hole of a two-hole program testing one of these anomalies
intersected a 55.4 metres (downhole) sulphide zone on the margin of an interpreted
mafic/ultramafic intrusive pipe.
The targeted geophysical anomaly extends from near surface to at least 700 metres
below surface.
Samples have been submitted for laboratory analysis with results to be released
when available – further drilling planned, subject to results.


Corazon’s Managing Director, Mr. Brett Smith, stated: “The most significant outcome from this drilling is proving that
our new geophysical techniques can identify the targeted magmatic sulphides, as well as these late, metal-rich
ultramafic pipes.


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