VANCOUVER, B.C., July 20, 2021  Tectonic Metals Inc. (TECT: TSX-V; TETOF: OTCQB; T15B: FSE) (the “Company” or “Tectonic”) today announced the commencement of a deep-penetrating TITAN-160 (“TITAN”) ground-based Geophysical Survey (the “Survey”) designed to specifically target multiple Pogo-like gold-in-soil anomalies situated on the Company’s Tibbs Gold Project (“Tibbs”), located in Alaska’s Goodpaster Mining District, 35 kilometres (“km”) east of Northern Star Resources’ Pogo Gold Mine. The Company engaged Quantec Geoscience Limited to carry out the Survey at Tibbs to transect the entirety of the structural corridor, which controls gold mineralization at the property. TITAN is a unique survey that employs two separate geophysical surveys: DC Resistivity and Induced Polarization (“DCIP”) and Magnetotelluric (“MT”) and provides DCIP resistivity and chargeability sections at depths of up to 750m, with MT collected to depths of 1,500m and greater.


Tibbs Gold Project – TITAN Survey Lines

TITAN-160 Survey – Technical Details
Four TITAN lines 4,000m long and spaced approximately 1,000m apart are planned at Tibbs. Dipoles are spaced at 100m along each line, with MT sites spaced at 200m, to provide data coverage to significant depths (DCIP to approximately 750m depth; MT resistivity to approximately 4,000m depth). The Survey is expected to be completed in the latter half of July.



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