Quantec is please to celebrate 25 years of providing DEEP EARTH IMAGING with the TITAN distributed array based survey technology.

TITAN is a multiparameter technology capable of providing DEEP detailed high resolution DCIP imaging to depths of 750 meters and greater. In addition the same survey deployed can provide very deep detailed MT resistivity . Both surveys can be delivered separately or together for very cost effective drill planning information.

TITAN was recognized in its early days as a significant game changer for deep exploration. Today, in its current form still leads the industry in providing the best images of the sub surface possible.

TIATN has been deployed over 500 surveys in 33 countries. It has directly contributed to more than 5 significant discoveries including Oyu Tolgoi North, Kemess, and Copper Mountain.

At Oyu Tolgoi North, it imaged the top of the deposit at 1000 metres.  Kemess North drill targeting was done on images of chargeability at over 700 meters.





Let’s raise a glass to innovation and the hard working people that have deployed these surveys and delivered these great results…all over the world.


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