Quantec pioneered this novel way to collect detailed MT magnetotellurics resistivity information. By utilizing distributed receiver technology TITAN effectively collects many MT sites at the same time.

This survey relies only on the same natural fields as for SPARTAN MT and therefore no motor generators or transmitters are required. In order to avoid “dead band” issues that commonly occur during daytime surveying, the survey is typically done at night.

Why use TITAN MT?

Increased depth of investigation over CSAMT surveys

More cost effective when high resolution is required

High lateral detail achieved across several km. Such as 50 or 100 meter station spacing

How does TITAN MT work?

By utilizing common magnetic field sites along a line and measuring multiple electric field measurements along the line simultaneously across a 12-hour period, we can collect 20 and more MT sites at once



TITAN MT (Emap mode or TM mode) VS. TITAN MT (TE/TM mode)

This method is similar to the layout for a CSAMT survey, except that it collects a complete line of information at once. CSAMT requires several move-ups along the line. Both surveys measure the magnetic field transverse to the line (referred to as transverse magnetic or TM mode).  Although Emap saves a bit of cost, we typically recommend TE/TM mode, which includes the “transverse” electric field measurements for a more comprehensive data set.

TE/TM mode—transverse Electrics/Magnetic

The most significant feature of Array-based MT is its ability to collect cross line electric field dipoles. This means it measures the electric field in 2 directions and the magnetic field in 2 directions. Therefore, data from these surveys are true and complete tensors measuring 3D aspects of the subsurface and are best treated with 3D inversion code.
