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TITAN 24 Distributed DCIP & MT Surveying

Highlight the best possible targets on your property quickly and to depth with DCIP (up to 750 m) & MT to 1500 m and beyond!

What is TITAN 24?

TITAN 24 is a distributed array-based geophysical system that collects two separate geophysical surveys; DCIP as well as Magnetotelluric (MT). DCIP provides resistivity and chargeability sections and the MT provides a deeper resistivity section. TITAN 24 is unique for several reasons. The technology behind TITAN allows the system to sample data very rapidly and measure very small signals. The DCIP data is typically and routinely collected to depths of 500 – 750 m and the MT data is collected to depths of 1500 m and greater. The survey system was introduced to the market in 2000 and has completed over 400 surveys globally including, over 60 minesite surveys.

Top: MT Resistivity – High resolution sections from surface to 1500 m+

Middle: DC Resistivity – 750 m of 2D imaging

Bottom: IP – 750 m of 2D imaging

(Above) TITAN 24 MT & DCIP survey sections – Newmont Mining Corporation

How it works?

A complete line of connected receivers (24 or more) is deployed in the field. The line length can vary from 700 m to 5000 m depending on the dipole size used for the target and information desired. Typically in the daytime, an resistivity & induced polarization (DCIP) survey is executed, and subsequently, an MT survey is completed. If logistics are smooth, the MT is collected during the night. Both surveys are completed from a one line setup.

Once the system is set up, the current is injected at one side of the survey. (see above left, red dashed ellipse). All of the 24 deployed dipoles simultaneously read the response. After that event is recorded, the current is moved up to the next injection point, and another reading is taken. This continues throughout the day until the current has reached the other end of the line. As the current moves through the line, all dipoles are read , that is, both the ones in front of the injection and those behind. This is one of the many benefits of a 2D TITAN survey, as both current leading and current lagging surveys are combined to produce the final result. This bi-directional sampling helps eliminate biased responses that may occur with conventional methods. (See IP presentation below). Following the DCIP survey, the MT survey is then completed.

Flexible Survey Designs

Typically, the survey is deployed in a grid of lines. For a DCIP depth of investigation of 750 metres, the line length or “spread” is 2400 m and the dipole or station length is 100 m; for shallower targets the dipole spacing is chosen smaller and the line length shorter( e.g. 50 m dipoles and 1200 m line length), for deeper targets the opposite (e.g. 200 m / 4800 m. Line spacing is dependent on the level of lateral detail required. In some cases detail is required in the central portion of the line, but depth is also important so the dipole has been variable – tighter spacing in the middle, larger spacing on the ends. Another option is to add current injections beyond the end of the lines. These provide additional data for the inversion process, resulting in an image with better depth and resolution below the ends of the lines. (see presentation below for example of large dipole spacing and current extensions)

Consider TITAN 24 for your project.

By exploiting the benefits of distributed and multi-parameter DCIP & MT data, obtain detailed information on resources, alteration, structure and geology leading to more cost-effective drill targeting near surface and up to depths of 1.5 km.

Quantec’s professional Geophysical experts custom design each survey to overcome the challenges of your site and to meet your project objectives. Each survey’s layout and design are structured to give you the best possible view of your resources on the surface and to depth.

TITAN 24 is flexible and can be operated in MT or IP mode only, with dipole measurements from 25 m up to 400 m.

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