VANCOUVER, Feb. 7 /CNW/ – Westminster Resources Ltd. (the “Company” or “Westminster”) is pleased to report that exploration has resumed at the El Cobre Project in Sonora, Mexico. The Company drilled 8 core holes totaling 1132 meters of a planned 3500 meter Phase One drilling program before pausing for Christmas break. No prior drilling had ever been conducted at El Cobre.
During the Fall of 2010, Westminster conducted a program of survey grid construction and geophysical surveying over the Anita Mine and its possible extensions along trend. The CSMAT (Controlled Source Audio – Magnetotelluric) resistivity survey was carried out for the Company by Quantec Geoscience, and resulted in identifying both high and low resistivity and structural geophysical targets. Shallow drilling of the resistivity anomalies yielded marginal results and drill intercepts of the weathered and leached breccia structures generally resulted in 60% or less drill core recoveries in mineralized zones.
In the vicinity of the historic Anita Mine, a large oxidized-mineralized breccia zone was targeted with shallow drill holes. Two holes intersected old mine workings at the target depth, while the third (hole ELC 10-05, with about 60% core recovery) intersected 9 meters grading 2.379% copper, 22.72 g/t silver and 1.17 g/t gold (included was a 4.5 meter core intercept grading 3.85% Cu, 36.74 g/t Ag and 2.01 g/t Au).
Hole ELC 10-05 intersected the target at approximately 45 meters below surface. Mineralization at this shallow level consisted of secondary copper oxide minerals in a highly brecciated host rock. In general, locally intense clay alteration and the intensely weathered and fractured breccia target zone resulted in poor core recovery and thus poor representation of these leached mineralized zones in this early round of shallow drilling.
“Although core recoveries were poor, the high grade nature of the Anita Copper Mine area outcrops and dump material have been verified by these drill results” stated Glen Indra, President (see WMR #10-07 September 23, 2010). “We expect that drilling modifications and new procedures will result firstly, in improved core recovery and return representative samples to support resource estimation and secondly, to drill to depths below the water table where unweathered, primary, copper sulphide mineralization is expected to be preserved. We will also continue our aggressive ground based exploration of the El Cobre Project property which has already resulted in numerous new mineralized discoveries.”
In compliance with NI 43-101 protocol, all drill core samples were sawn in half at the secure site and one half core samples were numbered and bagged generally over intercepts of one to one and a half meters in core length. The remaining half core was saved and securely stored in standard wooden core boxes on site. The drill core samples were collected at the project site by Sonora Sample Preparations (SSP) S.A. de C.V., and securely delivered to their sample preparation facility in Hermosillo, Sonora where they were crushed and ground according to the ACME Laboratories protocol R150. After splitting the pulps, SSP shipped approximately 150 grams per sample via International Courier to ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. A 15 gram subsample from each pulp was analyzed by a 58 element wet geochemical ultratrace ICP-MS procedure (ACME Code IF). All samples containing overlimit base metal and/or precious metal results were re-analyzed by ACME using standard Fire Assay or ore assay determination methods. Normal practice QA-QC blank, duplicate and standard reference material samples were inserted by the Company and laboratory and analyzed in the sample stream. Drill core recovery ranged from 0 to 100% but generally was about 60% or less for mineralized samples created during the first portion of the phase one drilling program reported here. True intercept thickness estimates of mineralization are unknown at this time.
The 2010 and 2011 exploration program is conducted by geologists and geotechnical staff supplied by Minconsult Exploration Services Ltd., Vernon, British Columbia who have constructed an exploration and drill camp on the property.
Jamie Lavigne, P.Geo., supervised the El Cobre project and is a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and verified the content of this release. The foregoing disclosure has also been reviewed and verified by director Glen C. Macdonald, P. Geo., a qualified person for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101, Standard of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
“Glen C. Macdonald”
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