ENSA, the Ecuadorian registered company which holds the Cascabel tenement and in which SolGold
has earned 85% equity, has signed a contract with an international geophysical company Quantec
Geoscience, to conduct a distributed array 3DIP‐MT (3D Induced Polarisation and Magneto‐Telluric)
survey using their highly acclaimed deep‐earth imaging Orion electrical geophysical system.
Whilst conventional IP systems typically see to depths of around 400m at best, the Orion system can
read IP effects to potential depths of 800m and beyond, and can read resistivity data to potential
depths of 2 kilometres and beyond using magneto‐telluric measurements.
The Orion system is a very sophisticated survey technique and will be used to map sulphide
distribution across the entire recognised extent of the lithocap and underlying porphyry system at
The use of the Orion system will provide a quantum leap in data density over conventional IP
systems that are the industry norm.
Quantec are in the final stages of organising shipment of the survey equipment from Canada whilst
SolGold (ENSA) completes the pre‐survey gridding that is required prior to commencement of the

Solgold Cascabel Link


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