Mine site geophysics and geology: a high-stakes game of truth or dare. Mr Peter Holbek (VP Exploration – Copper Mountain Mining Corp.), Mr Richard Joyes (Senior Geologist – Copper Mountain Minning Corp.) Peter obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Economic Geology from The University of British Columbia, and has more than 30 years of experience geology, mineral exploration, resource estimation and mine development.  He has been involved in the discovery or delineation in a variety of deposits and metals within North and South America and Europe, and was a 2013 recipient of AMEBC’s E.A Scholz Medal for excellence in mine development.
Correlations in geological mapping, geochemical sampling and Titan 24 DCIP at the Bolivar mine, Mexico Mr Alonso Lujan ( – Sierra Metals), Mr Roger Sharpe ( – Quantec Geoscience), Dr Mehran Gharibi ( – Quantec Geoscience), Dr Leduar Ramayo (Sales Associate – Quantec Geoscience) Roger has been with Quantec Geoscience for over 10 years. He has held the roles of interpreter, general manager and chief geophysicist, and now serves as V.P. Technical based in Toronto. Prior to joining Quantec, Roger worked in hardware and software development for Multi-phase Technologies in Reno, Nevada; and was chief geophysicist for Battle Mountain Gold with mining operations in Canada, Australia, Bolivia and the US. Roger heads Quantec’s R&D team and is responsible for maintaining Quantec’s flagship systems including: Orion 3D, Titan 24 and Spartan MT.
New Riches from old data; a re-evaluation of legacy data from the Casino Deposit, Yukon Mr Ken Witherly (President – Condor North Consulting ULC), Dr Scott Thomas ( – Condor Consulting, Inc.), Dr Daniel Sattel ( – EM Solutions LLC) Ken Witherly graduated from UBC (Vancouver Canada) with a BSc in geophysics and physics in 1971.
He then spent 27 years with the Utah/BHP Minerals company during which time as Chief Geophysicist, he championed BHP’s programs in airborne geophysics which resulted in the development of the MegaTEM and Falcon technologies. In 1999, Ken helped form a technology-focused service company that specializes in the application of innovative processing and data analysis to help drive the discovery of new mineral deposits.
Geophysics applied to Geotechnical applications Mr Adam  Smiarowski (Manager Global Geo-Mapping – CGG Multi-Physics) After graduating from Engineering Physics at Queen’s University, Adam completed his MSc at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, using electromagnetic geophysics to map salinity for agricultural applications. Adam completed a PhD at the University of Toronto studying airborne electromagnetics for mineral exploration. He has been performing research with CGG for the past 6 years.
Risk Assessment from Historical Coal Undermining to the Ermelo Ring Road using Helicopter TDEM and Ground Geophysics Mr Jean Legault ( – Geotech Ltd.), Mr Thomas Wade ( – Geotech Limited) Thomas Wade is a Vancouver-based data processing geophysicist for Geotech Limited. He has spent the ten years since obtaining his Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Science from Simon Fraser University leading airborne geophysical surveys for Aeroquest and Geotech around the globe. He is an expert in the acquisition and processing of time-domain EM, ZTEM, magnetic and radiometric airborne data. He is a registered professional geoscientist with APEGBC.

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