Toronto, Ontario – January 7, 2019 – Magnetic geophysics, Magnetotelluric (“MT”) geophysics and Gravity geophysics all support the potential that a large target at depth could be a massive sulphide body similar in area to the Sullivan Zinc-Lead massive sulphide deposit located 35 km north of PJX Resources’ 100% owned Vine Property near Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.


  • Recent Three-Dimensional (“3D”) Modeling of Magnetic data has identified a magnetic signature that appears to correlate with a large conductive MT anomaly announced in December 2018. (see 3D images of MT and Magnetic Models
  •  The large conductive MT anomaly can be traced for 800 metres (m) horizontally along strike. The sub-vertical MT anomaly starts at about 600 m deep and can be traced down dip to the west to a depth of at least 2 kilometres (km).
  •  Two-Dimensional Modelling of gravity data suggests the potential for large dense bodies of massive sulphide at depths similar to the MT and magnetic anomalies.
  •  The anomalies appear to occur above the Moyie fault and adjoining fault splays. Anomalous zinc and lead mineralization have been intersected above these faults, in holes drilled up dip and on strike with the anomalies.

“The addition of a magnetic signature to the large target at depth identified by MT and gravity geophysics strengthens the potential for massive sulphide mineralization on the Vine Property.” states the President and CEO of PJX, John Keating. “Each geophysical technique can be used to identify massive sulphides, however it is not often that we see all 3 correlate with the same target.”


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