Toronto, Ontario – March 05, 2018 – PJX Resources Inc. (“PJX”) is pleased to announce that Teck Resources Limited (“Teck”) has completed a Magnetotelluric (MT) geophysical survey which identified a conductive anomaly in a geological environment favourable to host a Sullivan Type deposit on the DD Property located in the Cranbrook area of British Columbia.
The MT survey carried out by Quantec Geoscience for Teck has defined a MT anomaly that appears to coincide with the anticipated depth of the Sullivan horizon. The anomaly occurs on the DD Property within a sedimentary basin called the Panda Basin that is geologically similar to the Sullivan Basin hosting the Sullivan deposit located about 45 km to the north. Teck is assessing the MT target for drilling and is in the process of applying for the relevant permits.
“Historical drilling by other companies in the Panda Basin indicates that the Sullivan time sedimentary horizon that hosts the Sullivan deposit increases significantly in thickness and anomalous zinc-lead mineralization the closer drilling gets to the DD Property”, states Dave Pighin, PGeo for PJX Resources. “This increasing thickness is similar to what occurs at the Sullivan Deposit in the Sullivan Basin. The Sullivan horizon is approximately 2 m thick at about 8 km from the Sullivan deposit and increases to over 60 m thick at the deposit. The thickness of the Sullivan time horizon in the Panda Basin is much greater than the Sullivan Basin. A series of 4 widely spaced historical holes drilled in the Panda Basin show that the Sullivan time horizon is 43m thick with 3.5m of anomalous zinc and lead mineralization at about 5.5km from the DD Property (Drill Hole L80-1). The Sullivan horizon and anomalous mineralization increase in thickness the closer drilling gets to the DD Property. The closest hole (IR07-1) drilled adjacent to the DD Property intersected over 194m of Sullivan horizon with 36m of geochemically anomalous zinc and lead.”
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