AKA Ventures Inc. (“AKA”) is pleased to announce that Quantec Geoscience Ltd. of Toronto has completed the commissioned report and recommendations from the field work of a Titan-24 electrical geophysical survey on the Company’s Copper Joe property located in Mohave County, Arizona. The survey included approximately 16 kilometers of survey lines. Conclusions of the Report include: The Titan -24 MT survey has successfully mapped and delineated several near the surface and deep seated moderate IP anomalies coincident with either moderately high or highly conductive zones, which are regarded as potential targets for disseminated sulphides and porphyry copper deposits. In addition, the MT inversion results suggest the evidence of a steeply dipping and highly conductive fault affecting the south-western portion of the survey.


As a conclusion of the DCIP and MT inversions results, 11 drill holes are proposed and are suggested to drill-test the detected targets regarded as favorable for Porphyry Copper exploration. The opportunity at Copper Joe derives from the model that a major porphyry copper-molybdenum system may be cut by a fault, and that the prospective copper-bearing top of this system, overlain by potentially mineralized landslide deposits (sturzstroms), may lie beneath shallow cover within the claim block. To secure the ground, 9,000 acres of mineral rights have been acquired by staking of 406 federal lode claims and filing one State of Arizona mineral exploration permit. In the process of claim staking, black manganese-copper oxide showings were located east of the target area in young gravel deposits, exactly where they would be expected if a copper-molybdenum deposits were oxidizing beneath the target area.


The Quantec geophysical survey is the first step in testing the porphyry target concept and will be followed by a drilling program upon receipt of permits which are expected within 60 days.


AKA also announces that Greg Patchell has been engaged as an Investor Relations consultant for a term of twelve months and will receive $2,500 per month and 175,000 options at an exercise price of $0.20, under the engagement. Mr. Patchell has over twenty years of experience assisting public companies achieve shareholder value while building a strong shareholder base.


The Company further reports that the recently concluded drill program on the Rockhill Canyon gold project in Nevada has provided no material gold assays. The Company initiated the drill program based on encouraging gold assays in surface sampling on structures that were the target of the drill program. No further work is planned for Rockhill.


Timothy M. Marsh, PhD, PE, a qualified person, and operating geologist has reviewed the Copper Joe information in this release.


Ken Brook RPG. of Reno Nevada will be the Qualified Person responsible for the 43-101 reporting on the Copper Joe project.


On behalf of the Board of Directors

“Albert Gerry”



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