Whether you’re a member of Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists or Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, there’s a technical presentation at ASEG-PESA 2013 you won’t want to miss. New geophysical technology, Orion 3D (DCIP & MT is adding value to oil, gas and mineral exploration projects and in Quantec’s technical presentation, Jonathan Rudd will explain how you can:
- Reduce overall project costs. With more accurate targeting you’ll have better drill results and fewer dry (or barren) holes;
- Get more accurate models to support better drill results; and
- Ensure you receive high-volume data—an enduring asset through the exploration and development cycles—to reduce exploration risk.
The technical presentation you want to look out for is on Monday, August 12that 3:50pm (Room 204) and is called, “Orion True 3D DCIP – Why does it give such high definition?”
The application of True 3D Resistivity (DC and MT) & chargeability technology is strong in both the petroleum and mineral exploration industries – whether your project is greenfields stage or more advanced. (See the value this new technology brought to an advanced-stage copper project in Zambia with Quantec’s ASEG-PESA 2013 poster presentation: “Delineating the Kitumba IOCG deposit with ORION 3D DCIP/MT.”)
Register for your “Eureka Moment” at ASEG-PESA 2013 (the 23rd International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition), or check out the preliminary program.
And when you’re in Melbourne, drop by Quantec’s booth (#30) to meet Jonathan Rudd and David MacGillivray (GM, Quantec Australia).
P.S. Stick around after the conference and join Jonathan Rudd as he participates in “Exploration Undercover” a post-conference workshop on Thursday, August 15.
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