Toronto, Ontario – April 24, 2018 – PJX Resources Inc.’s (“PJX”) is pleased to announce that geological and geophysical data define vectors to a potential Sullivan Type massive sulphide (zinc-lead-silver) target on its DD Property, located approximately 35 kilometres southwest of Cranbrook, BC. See PJX’s website for additional information.
“Historical drilling adjacent to the DD Property define geological and geochemical vectors for a potential Sullivan-type system, which increase toward the DD Property,” states Dave Pighin, PGeo for PJX Resources. “The Sullivan deposit occurs at a geological time called the Sullivan Horizon. The thickness, alteration and anomalous zinc-lead concentrations of the Sullivan Horizon progressively increases in intensity the closer holes are drilled to the DD Property. A similar increase in thickness, alteration and anomalous zinc-lead concentrations in the Sullivan Horizon occurs in proximity to the Sullivan Deposit.”
“The Magnetotelluric (MT) geophysical survey carried out by Quantec Geoscience on the DD Property has defined a MT anomaly that appears to coincide with the anticipated depth of the favourable Sullivan Horizon,” states the President and CEO of PJX, John Keating. “The Sullivan deposit contained iron sulphides that could be detected by an MT survey and cause an MT anomaly. The MT anomaly on the DD Property occurs on two widely spaced lines, 700 metres apart, and is open to the north and south. The DD Property MT anomaly is at a depth and a size that supports the potential for a Sullivan Type target.”
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