Calgary , Alberta CANADA, March 22, 2011 /FSC/ – Boxxer Gold Corp. (BXX – TSX Venture, BXXRF – OTCBB_Pink_Sheets), is very pleased to provide its shareholders with an update of drilling and geophysical activities on the Boss copper-gold porphyry project located in the Goodsprings Mining District. The helicopter-supported diamond drill hole (“DDH”) DDH-06-2011 to test the copper-gold mineralization exposed on surface in the Boss extension skarn has commenced, and a QuantecTITAN-24 DCIP and MT DEEP IMAGING Survey (the Survey”) is underway to better define three interpreted intrusives located west of the visible oxide copper mineralization intersected in DDH-05-2011.


Highlights of recent activities are as follows:




a) DDH-05-2011 intersected six intervals of visible oxide copper mineralization (malachite) with four of the intervals occurring between the core length of 395m and 414m


b) Three intervals of very fine-grained dark grey metallic sulphide mineralization occurs within the core lengths from 371m to 373m, from 527m to 529m and from 534.5m to 537.4m,


c) A recently completed QEMSCAN study shows that both the porphyritic and basic intrusive rocks are slightly mineralized and exhibit extensive carbonatisation, seriticitisation, and kaolinisation, and


d) The QEMSCAN study showed that many of the marble samples contain significant copper (and locally cobalt) mineralization as well as trace phases including mercury silver sulphides, silver tellurides and gold.


Boxxer’s President and CEO, Elmer B. Stewart, commented, “The results from DDH-05-2011 are very encouraging. This hole contains the most mineralization and alteration encountered to date in the current drilling program. The widespread alteration and multiple intervals of visible oxide copper mineralization intersected in DDH-05-2011 compared to DDH-04-2011 would suggest a source of the copper to the north toward a coincident chargeability and MT anomaly which is interpreted to represent an intrusive. The intersection of porphyritic dikes and multiple intervals of visible copper in DDH-04-2011 and DDH-05-2011 supports the potential for Boxxer’s exploration target* on the Boss project of a porphyry copper-gold deposit that ranges from 500 to 800 million tonnes grading from 0.7% to 1.0% copper and from 0.2 g/t and 0.4 g/t gold.”


* The potential quantities and grades for the exploration target on the Boss project are conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient exploration to define a resource and it is uncertain if future exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource. The basis for the potential quantities and grades are the 2001 to 2010 sampling results, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the mineralized zones, the size of the alteration zone, size of the IP anomalies, the 2010 and 2011 diamond drill results, similarities to other porphyry copper districts and that the dimensions of the mineralized zones have not been delineated.


Diamond Drilling Update:


DDH-06-2011 is a vertical hole with a planned depth of 700m. This hole is located above widespread copper-gold-silver mineralization exposed in outcrop in the Boss Extension skarn. The objective is to test the interpreted down dip extension of the exposed copper-gold-silver mineralization and a magnetic susceptibility anomaly interpreted to be an intrusive at depth below the skarn.


DDH-05-0-2011 was completed from the same collar location as DDH-04-2011. This hole was drilled at a 70 degree dip to the north toward coincident chargeability and MT anomalies. The MT anomaly is interpreted to represent an intrusive. The hole was completed to a depth of 669m and bottomed in argillaceous limestone. The intervals from 361.3m to 429.6m and from 464.9m to 553.0m in the core is extensively altered and exhibits variable orange, pale yellow, lime green, pink, and purple coloration as well as extensive fracture controlled and disseminated hematite and limonite.


Two styles of copper mineralization were intersected in DDH-05-2011. Both disseminated and fracture controlled oxide copper mineralization (malachite) and disseminated very fine grained, dark grey metallic sulphides occur at various core intervals throughout this drillhole. All but one interval of oxide copper mineralization and all three intervals of dark grey metallic sulphides occur within the altered rock.


Between a core depth of between 395m and 414m, four intervals (ranging from 1.2m to 3.0m in thickness) of disseminated and fracture controlled oxide copper mineralization occur. Oxide copper mineralization was also observed over intervals ranging from 1.6m to 3.0m in thickness at core depths of 130.5m and 464.9m.


The reader is cautioned that visible copper mineralization does not necessarily equate to significant concentrations of either copper and there is no assurance that the assay results of the samples from this drill hole will yield significant copper concentrations.


The analysis for DDH-04-2011 and DDH-05-2011 has not been received and will be reported on receipt thereof from the laboratory.


Quantec Titan-24 DCIP & MT survey:


The current Titan-24 survey is centered on the collars of DDH-04-2011 and DDH-05-2011 (both holes were collared at the same location). This survey is being completed on east-west and on north-south oriented lines. The objectives of the survey is to explore the northern part of the Boss property, to better define a previously identified coincident chargeability anomaly and three interpreted intrusives located west of the multiple intervals of oxide copper mineralization and dark gray sulphides intersected in DDH-05-2011. This survey is expected to be completed within several weeks after which the preliminary results of the work will be announced.


Geochemical Study:


As more geochemical data is received, the background concentrations of the various metals of interest can be better established. Results to date suggest that the copper-gold-silver background values used to establish zones of anomalous geochemistry identified in a news release dated (February 14, 2011) was substantially higher than the concentrations of these metals in unaltered carbonate rocks. Boxxer will continue to monitor the analytical results to establish actual background concentrations for copper-gold-silver and the other trace elements characteristic of a porphyry copper-gold environment.


The data to date indicates a slight copper enrichment (up to 26 ppm) in DDH-01-2010. This hole was previously considered to contain background copper concentrations.


Future Plans:


Drilling of the interpreted down dip extension of the copper-gold-silver mineralization exposed in bedrock in the Boss Extension using a heli-portable diamond drill has commenced. A minimum of three holes from several locations are planned on this target.


Elmer B. Stewart, M.Sc., P. Geol., President of Boxxer and the Corporation’s nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument #43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed the technical information disclosed in this news release.


About Boxxer Gold Corp.


Boxxer Gold is a Canadian junior resource company involved in the exploration of two copper projects and one gold-silver project in the state of Nevada, and a medium grade shear hosted gold project located 110 kilometres north of Yellowknife NWT, Canada.


For more information on Boxxer please visit our website at or contact:


Boxxer Gold Corp

Elmer B. Stewart

President & Chief Executive Officer

Tel: 403-264-4811

Cel: 403-680-9584



Boxxer Gold Corp

John L. Maslanyk

Vice President & Chief Information Officer

Tel: 1-403-804-2251

Toll Free: 1-888-479-3596



CHF Investor Relation

Jeanny So

Director of Operations

Tel: 1-416-868-1079 ext. 225

Fax: 1-416-868-6198



Torrey Hills Capital

James Macdonald

Senior Account Manager

Tel: 1-858-458-7300

Fax: 1-858-481-4306



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