Calgary , Alberta CANADA, Apr 15, 2010 (Filing Services Canada via COMTEX) — Boxxer Gold Corp. ( BXX | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating – TSX Venture), is very pleased to announce the results of the Quantec TITAN-24 DCIP/MT survey completed over its 100% owned Boss and Crystal Pass projects located in the Goodsprings Mining District, southwest Nevada. The identified targets combined with the previous exploration results suggest huge potential for the district.
Significant number of targets outlined, most targets open in two directions:
– Boss Extension: 15 targets outlined,
– Crystal Pass: 17 targets outlined;
Diamond drill program planned to test recently identified targets.
Boxxer’s President and CEO, Elmer B. Stewart, explained, “The results from the Quantec Survey are the single most significant set of data generated from our Boss and Crystal Pass projects in the last 18 months. The number of new targets has moved Boxxer a major step closer to proving the porphyry potential for this district. The large TITAN-24 DCIP and MT targets coincide with previously identified zones that display conductivity at depth, interpreted intrusives and mineralized skarn, all resulting in the generation of numerous very high quality diamond drilling targets at Boss and Crystal Pass. We are encouraged by the dimensions of the chargeability and resistivity responses in the new target areas interpreted to contain porphyry copper style mineralization as this is consistent with the porphyry copper model being used by Boxxer to explore the Goodsprings Mining District.”
A total of three high priority targets (high chargeability and conductivity), six moderately-high priority targets (high chargeability and moderate conductivity), 15 moderate priority (high chargeability and resistivity), six moderate-low priority targets (shallow or deep conductivity) and two low priority targets were located over the Boss and Crystal Pass areas. Please see press release dated March 16, 2010, for the parameters of the Quantec Survey.
Boss Extension:
Two lines (labeled L1 and L2) were completed over the Boss Extension; each line was 6 km long and spaced 400 m apart. The Boss Extension is a large area of widespread mineralized skarn hosting 22 large and yet undefined zones of copper-gold mineralization over an interpreted intrusive body. The Quantec Survey has identified three large targets, the locations of which are shown in Figure 1 (below) and Figure 3 (at the end of this release). Figure 1 shows the north-south oriented Induced Polarization (IP) section from the Quantec Survey in the Boss area.
Figure 1: Results of the 2D inversion of the IP using Null reference data along line L1
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Target BE1: is a high priority target located 650 m south of the copper-gold mineralization exposed in the Boss Extension and is associated with an interpreted intrusive body (see Figure 2). As outlined by the previously completed airborne geophysical survey, this target coincides with the indentified zone of “conductivity at depth” and “positive magnetic feature” and could have a minimum strike length of 2,700 m. The top of this target is estimated to occur at approximately 75 m below surface and has an approximate width of 700 m. The upper 300 m of this target exhibits the strongest chargeability and resistivity response and then extends to depth. This target occurs on lines L1 and L2 (400 m apart) and is open to the east and west.
Target BE2: is a moderate-to-high priority target located below the widespread copper-gold mineralization exposed in the Boss Extension. Target BE2 starts at surface, extends to a depth of approximately 500 m and is estimated to be approximately 800 m wide. The chargeability and resistivity response shows excellent correlation with the copper-gold mineralization and the granodiorite dikes exposed in the Boss Extension. This target occurs on lines L1 and L2 (400 m apart) and based on the airborne geophysical survey and surface mapping, suggests a potential for a 2,400 m minimum strike length.
Target BE3: is located approximately 750 m north of the Boss Extension and is associated with an interpreted intrusive body identified by the airborne and ground geophysical surveys (Figure 2). This target shows Induced Polarization, Resistivity and MT signatures that occur over a width of approximately 1,000 m. The top of the target is estimated to occur at approximately 120 m below surface, was located on lines L1 and L2 (400 m apart) and is open to the west and east. This target coincides with the zone of “conductivity at depth” and “positive magnetic features” outlined by the airborne geophysical survey with an estimated potential minimum strike length of 1,700 m (see Figure 3).
Figure 2: Results of the 2D inversion of the MT data along line L1 Boss area.
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Other Boss Extension Targets: Numerous other smaller targets have been identified in the area of the Boss Extension that also warrant diamond drilling.
Crystal Pass:
The Quantec Survey in this portion of the Boss Project consisted of three lines (labelled L3, L4 and L5) spaced at 750 m intervals (Figure 3). Two high priority targets and a number of high-moderate and moderate priority targets that warrant diamond drill testing have been located. Positive chargeability and resistivity responses of varying dimensions occur on both sides of a zone that hosts intrusive dikes of quartz diorite and quartz monzonite composition sporadically exposed on surface (Figure 3).
Target CP1: is located on L3 and the chargeability and resistivity signatures occur on either side of the zone of dikes mentioned above. The chargeability response west of the intrusive dikes is a high priority target with a width of 600 m and a depth of 500 m. The chargeability response on the east side of the zone of dikes is a moderate priority target, is open at depth and has an estimated width of 500 m.
Target CP2: is located on L4 and consists of two areas of chargeability and resistivity. On the east side of the zone of dikes, the top of this high priority target occurs at approximately 75 m below surface and has an estimated width of approximately 800 m. Approximately 150 m to the west of the high priority target, a broad positive chargeability (moderate-to-high priority) signature occurs over a width of approximately 600 m and continues to depth.
Target CP3: is located on L5 and shows a similar geological and geophysical setting to that located on L4 and L3. The first zone of chargeability and resistivity occurs to the west of the zone of dikes noted above. This target is approximately 300 m wide and continues at depth for a distance of 700 m. The second target is located to the east of the intrusive dikes and is estimated to have a width of 200 m and a minimum depth of 400 m.
Other Crystal Pass Targets: Numerous other smaller targets have been identified in the area of Crystal Pass and also warrant diamond drilling (See page 4 for Figure 3).
Figure 3: Boss and Crystal Pass Projects – Targets Outlined by TITAN-24 DCIP & MT Survey
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Diamond Drilling:
Boxxer is currently selecting diamond drill hole locations and estimating the number of metres of diamond drilling that will be required to test the targets discussed above. Boxxer has secured a diamond drill to complete the drilling and is now preparing the documentation to submit to the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) for approval of the Notice of Work that is required prior to drilling. It is expected that the needed approval of the Notice of Work should take between 30 and 45 days.
Elmer B. Stewart, MSc. P. Geol., President of Boxxer, is the Corporation’s nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument #43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed the technical information disclosed in this news release.
About Boxxer Gold Corp.
Boxxer Gold is a Canadian junior resource company involved in the exploration of three copper-gold projects in the state of Nevada, and a shear hosted gold project located 110 kilometres north of Yellowknife NWT, Canada.
For more information on Boxxer please visit our website at or contact
Boxxer Gold Corp
Elmer B. Stewart
President & Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 1-403-264-4811
Cel: 1-403-680-9584
Boxxer Gold Corp
John L. Maslanyk
Vice President & Chief Information Officer
Tel: 1-403-804-2251
Toll Free:1-888-479-3696
CHF Investor Relations
Alison Tullis
Senior Account Manager
Tel: 1-416-868-1079 ext. 233
Fax: 1-416-868-6198
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Source: Boxxer Gold Corp. (TSX-V: BXX)
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