Unlock Hidden Resources: Advanced Drill Targeting Beyond 700 Meters


Northgate Minerals sought deep targeting information in the vicinity of the known Kemess deposit in Northern BC. Depth penetration from traditional geophysics is very limited and the terrain in the vicinity of the camp was extremely rugged. The discovery of deep emplacements of additional resources near the mine in complex geology would be difficult and expensive with drilling alone.


TITAN 24 DCIP and MT was tailored and deployed to test for deep chargeable zones to depths of 800 metres. The TITAN system, normally deployed with 2.4k m long spreads of 24 stations was instead expanded to a 4800 metre long spread and strung across the mountain range. Data was collected rapidly once the lines were set up. The survey provided spectacular images of the chargeability down to depths of 900 metres. The resistivity data provided excellent corroboration of known geology and highlighted several key structural features that were previously unknown


One of the deep chargeability features lead the team to vector to a new discovery in the region.

“A third large gold-copper porphyry system discovered at Kemess” Ken Stowe, President and CEO

Holes KH-07-02 and KH-07-04 were drilled to test the deep TITAN(C) chargeability anomaly that was defined in 2006. Hole KH-07-04 intersected the longest mineralized interval ever drilled on the Kemess property with 441.3 m of 0.38 g/t gold and 0.391% copper. This hole also represents the deepest mineralization (850 m deep) so far discovered in the Kemess camp, but due to its grade and thickness it represents a very exciting discovery. While the relationship between this mineralization and the Kemess North deposit is unknown, this new discovery suggests that the Kemess. North mineralizing system is far more extensive than previously understood and several follow-up holes are planned to explore for even higher-grade zones of mineralization or zones that have been faulted closer to surface.

Title: Contributing to Discovery at Kemess
Geology: Cu/Au Porphyry
Client: Northgate Minerals
Technology: TITAN 24
Location: Northern BC
Sector: Mining
