
— Program designed to test broader mineralized system in Revenue Zone was successful in identifying significant gold, silver, copper system which may lead to additional resources at Freegold Mountain


— Significant mineralized 800 m x150 m x 150m zone identified in Discovery Target


— Follow up diamond drill program underway will augment the RC results by providing data to greater depths, as well as additional geological and structural information required for resource definition


— Results to date lead management to believe the potential to expand mineral resources at Freegold Mountain Project is excellent


— Results to date are indicative of large porphyry systems throughout BC & Yukon (Kemess North and Casino)


Northern Freegold Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce preliminary results from the 2010 phase 1 drill program at the road-accessible, district-scale Freegold Mountain Gold-Copper Project in the Yukon Territory. The goals of the phase 1 program were to expand the existing million ounce NI 43-101 inferred gold resource at the Nucleus deposit and help define additional gold and copper resources at the highly prospective gold-silver-copper enriched Revenue Zone. The phase 1 program included 11 diamond and 5 reverse circulation (RC) step out drill holes at Nucleus, 40 RC holes in the Revenue Zone, and a 60 line km Titan Deep IP survey (see attached plan map). This release reports on 28 holes completed in the Revenue Zone. Results from the Nucleus Zone and additional holes from the Revenue Zone will be reported on once assays are received and interpreted.


“We believe the Revenue Zone has great potential for us to add resources to the Freegold Project,” commented Bill Harris, NFR’s Chairman & COO. “We have seen indications of significant mineralization in RC drilling at Revenue this season, so we are excited to be able to get a diamond drill rig into the area to help us test the potential of this large-scale porphyry system. The Titan Survey combined with the reconnaissance RC and diamond drilling will help develop an overall picture of the large scale mineralized system to depth.”


Revenue Zone:


The Revenue zone shows similar geological and mineralogical characteristics to other deposits in the region which have developed multi-million ounce gold resources with multi-billion pound copper resources. The reconnaissance reverse circulation (RC) drill program in the Revenue Zone was designed to systematically test to a shallow depth a broad area extending over 2 km with separate target areas (Discovery, Guder and Granger) identified by anomalous soil results and limited historical drilling with the goal of adding resources to the Freegold Mountain Project. Drill results to date indicate the presence of anomalous to significant mineralization, indicative of a large scale gold, copper and silver system. Twenty-six (26) holes of the 28 being reported in this release (Discovery and Granger targets) intersected mineralization (see tables at end of release).


A well mineralized east-west trending zone measuring 800 m long, 150 m wide and up to 150 m deep has been outlined at the Discovery Target from the initial holes (see attached plan map). The mineralized zone is open to the east and west and to depth. As can be seen from the plan map, the RC drilling was planned in a systematic manner to follow up on historical holes focused in concentrated areas. As noted in the table below significant results were intersected in step out holes from historical hole DD 91-1 which returned 80 m of 0.87 g/t Au and 3243 ppm Cu (1.74 g/t gold equivalent). This hole was relogged and reassayed to include silver, molybdenum and tungsten in 2010 and returned 89 m of 0.73 g/t gold, 9.96 g/t silver, 3062 ppm Cu (1.72 g/t gold equivalent). This interval also ran 179.3 ppm Mo and 326.9 ppm W. Also of note is a sample collected from RC 10-20 which returned values of 48.00 g/t Au, 9.90 g/t Ag and 2660 ppm Cu. For a more complete set of results see the table at the end of this release.


Selected Drill Intervals from Discovery Target(1)





(3) Step-

Inter- (Au, out

Hole Length From val Au Ag Cu Ag, Mo W Location-

No (m) (m) To (m) (2)(m) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) Cu) (ppm) (ppm)




DD91- 103.00 13.67 102.72 89.05 0.73 9.96 3062 1.72 179.3 326.9 Original-01

Includes- 23.32 99.67 76.35 0.83 10.90 3462 1.94 205.3 379.7





RC10- 153.92 73.15 153.92 80.77 0.41 2.30 1133 0.75 57.8 152.0 100 m 18 W

Includes- 96.01 126.49 30.48 0.89 3.94 1830 1.45 89.4 296.5





RC10- 153.92 56.39 71.63 15.24 1.28 0.21 5 1.29 (i) (i) 100 m 19 W




RC10- 150.88 6.10 19.81 13.71 0.12 3.17 3191 1.03 53.9 101.0 100 m 21 W

RC10- 83.82 96.01 12.19 0.63 7.87 2113 1.33 30.5 222.3 21



RC10- 155.45 77.72 88.39 10.67 7.26 2.31 717 7.49 (i) (i) 200 m 20 W

Includes- 82.30 83.82 1.52 48.00 9.90 2660 48.88 (i) (i)




RC10- 201.17 57.91 201.17 143.26 0.12 1.76 779 0.36 46.2 53.6 100 m 26 E

Includes- 88.39 94.49 6.10 0.23 5.72 2357 0.97 128.3 31.2

And 167.64 190.50 22.86 0.21 2.47 1308 0.60 71.2 182.7




RC10- 137.16 16.76 106.68 89.92 0.12 1.71 581.9 0.31 30.4 79.6 300 m 27 W

Includes- 88.39 102.11 13.72 0.25 2.25 1094 0.58 49.6 34.4

RC10- 124.97 131.06 6.09 0.39 3.03 1061 0.73 100.0 410.5 27




RC10- 32.00 1.52 32.00 30.48 0.14 1.44 741 0.36 30.7 149.4 300 m 28 W




(1) Select intervals within this table are from longer lower grade intervals. Please refer to table at end of release for complete set of results.


(2) True widths unkown


(3) Au equivalent metal prices: $US$846.00/oz gold, US$3.31/lb copper, US$14.40/oz silver (3 yr average; no discount for metallurgical recovery in contained metal figures).


(i) Values less than 30 ppm were not reported in table.Results are still pending from 3 additional RC holes at the eastern end of the Discovery mineralized zone.


In the Granger Target, 14 of 16 RC holes intersected pervasive alteration and anomalous gold, silver and copper mineralization. Hole RC 10-01 intersected 69.80 m of 0.42 g/t Au, 0.52 g/t Ag and 429 ppm Cu (0.54 g/t gold equivalent) including 4.58 m of 3.38 g/t Au, 1.83 g/t Ag and 535 ppm (3.56 g/t gold equivalent). Hole RC10-03 intersected 38.10 m of 0.37 g/t Au, 0.80 g/t Ag and 324 ppm Cu (0.47 g/t gold equivalent) including 1.53 m of 6.22 g/t Au, 0.90 g/t Ag and 238 ppm Cu (6.30 g/t gold equivalent). We interpret the widespread and thick zones of alteration, and anomalous gold and copper mineralization, regardless of the grade of the intersections, as demonstrating the presence of a large scale gold and copper system.


Results are still pending upon 12 RC holes in the Guder Target to the west of the Discovery Target.


Phase 2 Drill Program in Discovery Target:


Management is encouraged by the initial results from the RC testing and the definition of the mineralized zone. Based on the initial RC results, a diamond drill rig has been mobilized from the Nucleus Deposit to the Revenue Zone. The Phase 2 drill program is budgeted for up to 1500 m in 5 holes. The diamond drilling will focus on the Discovery target and will test up to 350 m depth. In addition, some holes will be angled to allow penetration into areas not accessible by the RC rig. The diamond drill core will provide more detailed information on the geology and structure of the area as well as test for extensions to mineralization at depth. The program extension is expected to be completed in approximately 3 weeks.


Target Deposit Type:


Results from the initial RC holes are on par with initial reconnaissance testing of large scale porphyry systems in the Dawson Range belt and in production in other areas of the world. The Casino porphyry Cu +/- Au +/- Mo +/- Ag deposit, approximately 75 km to the northwest contains 8 million ozs Au, 4.4 billion lbs Cu and 440 million lbs Mo (within 914 million tonnes at 0.212% Cu, 0.237 g/t Au and 0.024% Mo and 78 million tonnes @ 0.062% Cu and 0.427g/t Au in heap leach) (www.westerncoppercorp.com). The Kemess North Deposit, located in northern BC, is a Au-Cu porphyry containing 6.9 million ozs Au and 2.3 billion lbs Cu (within 719 million tonnes @ 0.30 g/t gold and 15% Cu)(www.northgateminerals.com). These reserves and resources have not been verified by the qualified person and the information is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization at Freegold Mountain.


Titan 24 Deep IP Geophysical Survey at Nucleus & Revenue Zones:


The company has now completed 39 of 60 line km of the previously announced deep penetrating Titan-24 IP/Resistivity survey to aid in determining the scope of the mineralized system and its extent down to an estimated 750 m depth. The program, consisting of 15 500 m spaced lines will cover an area of approx.30 km2 which includes the million ounce gold resource at the Nucleus Zone and the 24 km2 gold and copper soil geochemical anomaly over the Nucleus and Revenue Zones. The survey is expected to be complete in about the next 2 weeks. Interpretation of the survey will take approximately 6 weeks following the completion of the survey.


Integrating results of the Titan Survey with previous geophysical surveys, the expanded geochemical survey, geological mapping, and the results of all 2010 and earlier drilling, will assist in the prioritization of high potential targets and possibly identify previously unrecognized targets with similar geophysical signatures to the resource at Nucleus and the known gold-copper mineralized system at the Revenue Zone.


This comprehensive approach has been successful at identifying targets and systems at several deposits within the Dawson Range of the Tintina Gold Belt, within close proximity (80 km radius) of the Freegold Mountain Project. For example, Titan 24 surveys have been utilized at the producing Minto Mine of Capstone Mining Corp. (www.capstonemining.com) and the Casino Deposit of Western Copper Corporation (www.westerncoppercorp.com) to expand the extent of known deposit limits. In addition, Capstone recently reported “Capstone’s integrated, multifaceted approach to the exploration of the Minto Mine property has yielded seven new discoveries since 2006” (see Capstone released dated September 1st, 2010). For example the “Wildfire” discovery was made as a result of “testing of an extensive geophysical anomaly detected during a deep penetrating IP survey being conducted over the Minto Mine property” (see Capstone released dated September 1st, 2010).


Qualified Person


Allan Armitage, PhD, P. Geol (AB), Exploration Manager for Northern Freegold is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and will be responsible for quality control of exploration undertaken by the Company and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this release.




The RC holes were drilled by a track mounted Prospector II reverse circulation drill supplied by Northspan Exploration Limited of Kelowna, BC. Chip samples at the drill, representing 1.52 metres were placed in white 5 gallon plastic pails, sealed with pressure lids, marked with the drill hole number and depth of hole and shipped back to camp. Representative chip samples were extracted and placed in a plastic sample tray. A representative assay sample was extracted and placed into a polyvinyl sample bag (dry samples) or a cloth sample bag (wet samples). At the camp, the representative chip sample was logged and assay samples were prepared for shipping.


A total of 2519 samples from 28 RC holes were collected and shipped to ALS Laboratory’s (ALS) sample preparation facility in Whitehorse. Samples submitted to this lab are prepared for shipping by logging into the ALS system, prepared by drying, crush to appropriate particle size and representatively split to a smaller size for shipping. The prepped samples are shipped to the main North American laboratory in North Vancouver, BC for final pulverizing and analysis. Samples were analyzed for gold by fire assay (FA) with an atomic absorption finish (AA) on 30 gram samples. All samples having more than 1,000 ppm gold were re-assayed by FA and a gravimetric finish. Each sample is also sent for multi-element analysis by the ICP-MS method, which includes Cu, Ag, Mo and W.


The 2010 RC drilling included the insertion of “blanks” and reference standards for assay grade control. The standards are purchased from CDN Resource Labs. The “blank” samples are taken from barren RAB samples (2007 drill program) located on site. One standard and one blank are inserted with every batch of 20 RC samples prior to shipment to ALS.


As part of in-house QA/QC ALS inserts certified gold standards, which are purchased from CDN Resource Labs. Standards are inserted and three pulp duplicates are analyzed for every 20 samples. Random additional repeats are also analyzed as required. Results from all internal QC samples and repeats are reported.


If there are any analyses of the certified gold standards that falls outside of the acceptable range the entire batch of 20 samples will be re-run. If there are any significant gold values returned from the “blank” core samples the entire batch of 20 samples will be re-run. Upon completion of the 2010 assaying 5% to 10% of the core sample pulps from 2010 drilling program will be submitted to another lab for check assaying. No sample batch re-runs have been necessary on the 2010 gold assay results received to date.


About Northern Freegold


Northern Freegold is a well financed rapidly advancing Canadian-based precious metals exploration and development company, which brings local expertise and strong management to focus on the development of economic mineral resources on the district-scale Freegold Mountain gold and copper project in the Yukon and the Burro Creek gold and silver property in Arizona.


To view the map associated with this press release, please click on the following link : http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/n915.pdf


Northern Freegold Resources Ltd.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Bill Harris, Chairman & COO


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: The information in this press release includes certain “forward-looking statements”. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, plans for and intentions with respect to the company’s properties, statements regarding intentions with respect to obligations due for various projects, strategic alternatives, quantity of resources or reserves, timing of permitting, construction and production and other milestones, are forward looking statements. Statements concerning Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources are also forward-looking statements in that they reflect an assessment, based on certain assumptions, of the mineralization that would be encountered and mining results if the project were developed and mined in the manner described. Forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from NFR’s expectations include the uncertainties involving the need for additional financing to explore and develop properties and availability of financing in the debt and capital markets; uncertainties involved in the interpretation of drilling results and geological tests and the estimation of reserves and resources; the need for cooperation of government agencies and First Nation groups in the exploration, and development of properties; and the need to obtain permits and governmental approval. NFR’s forward looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections of management on the date the statements are made. NFR assumes no obligation to update the forward looking statements if management’s beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors should they change.


Cautionary Note Regarding Reserve and Resource Estimates: This press release has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ from the requirements of U.S. securities laws. Unless otherwise indicated, all resource and reserve estimates included in this press release have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Classification System. NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Canadian standards, including NI 43-101, differ significantly from the requirements of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and resource and reserve information contained herein may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by U.S. companies. In particular, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the term “resource” does not equate to the term “reserves”. Investors should also understand that “inferred mineral resources” have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an “inferred mineral resource” will ever be upgraded to a higher category. The estimation of quantities of resources and reserves is complex, based on significant subjective assumptions and forward-looking information, including assumptions that arise from the evaluation of geological, geophysical, engineering and economic data for a given ore body. This data could change over time as a result of numerous factors, including new information gained from development activities, evolving production history and a reassessment of the viability of production under different economic conditions. Changes in data and/or assumptions could cause reserve estimates to substantially change from period to period. No assurance can be given that the indicated level of mineral will be produced. Actual production could differ from expected production and an adverse change in mineral prices could make a reserve uneconomic to mine. Variations could also occur in actual ore grades and recovery rates from estimates.


Discovery Target





Interval- (1)

(Au, Hole Length From To (2) Au Ag Cu Ag, Mo W

No. (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) Cu) (ppm) (ppm)




RC10-017 92.96 64.01 83.82 19.81 0.22 0.88 436.7 0.35 62.86 (i)

Incl. 65.53 71.63 6.10 0.33 1.58 435.1 0.47 118.59 (i)




RC10-018 153.92 1.52 54.86 53.34 0.24 1.14 442.7 0.38 (i) (i)

Incl. 7.62 16.76 9.14 0.61 2.78 1211.6 0.98 (i) (i)

RC10-018 64.01 70.10 6.09 0.23 1.50 766.7 0.47 (i) (i)

RC10-018 73.15 153.92 80.77 0.41 2.30 1132.8 0.75 57.80 152.01

Incl. 79.25 86.87 7.62 0.30 2.90 1871.6 0.85 (i) (i)

and 96.01 126.49 30.48 0.89 3.94 1830.0 1.45 89.36 296.48




RC10-019 153.92 25.91 47.24 21.33 0.33 0.37 142.0 0.38 (i) (i)

Incl. 33.53 39.62 6.09 0.47 0.35 134.7 0.52 (i) (i)

RC10-019 56.39 71.63 15.24 1.28 0.21 4.8 1.29 (i) (i)

Incl. 62.48 71.63 9.15 1.37 0.23 5.2 1.38 (i) (i)




RC10-020 155.45 27.43 39.62 12.19 0.40 0.49 217.7 0.47 (i) (i)

RC10-020 45.72 48.77 3.05 0.85 0.50 269.5 0.93 (i) 82.25

RC10-020 77.72 88.39 10.67 7.26 2.31 717.2 7.49 (i) (i)

Incl. 82.30 83.82 1.52 48.00 9.90 2660.0 48.88 (i) (i)

RC10-020 147.83 155.45 7.62 0.12 2.16 929.5 0.41 (i) (i)




RC10-021 150.88 1.52 38.10 36.58 0.08 1.78 1622.4 0.54 38.29 49.13

Incl. 6.10 19.81 13.71 0.12 3.17 3191.2 1.03 53.87 101.01

RC10-021 42.67 118.87 76.20 0.22 2.87 744.8 0.47 (i) 65.33

Incl. 51.82 60.96 9.14 0.34 2.80 566.9 0.54 38.53 (i)

and 65.53 71.63 6.10 0.18 2.60 660.8 0.40 (i) (i)

and 83.82 96.01 12.19 0.63 7.87 2113.3 1.33 30.52 222.33




RC10-023 105.16 1.52 7.62 6.10 0.31 0.45 375.2 0.42 (i) (i)




RC10-024 175.87 9.14 10.67 1.53 0.80 0.30 105.0 0.84 (i) (i)

RC10-024 167.64 175.87 8.23 0.20 1.84 758.3 0.44 (i) 109.42




RC10-025 152.4 54.86 91.44 36.58 0.18 1.00 634.8 0.37 (i) (i)

Incl. 64.01 79.25 15.24 0.32 1.34 906.5 0.59 (i) (i)

RC10-025 137.16 138.68 1.52 0.92 0.40 60.0 0.94 (i) 90.00




RC10-026 201.17 45.72 48.77 3.05 1.26 0.80 331.3 1.37 (i) (i)

RC10-026 57.91 201.17 143.26 0.12 1.76 778.9 0.36 46.22 53.59

Incl. 88.39 94.49 6.10 0.23 5.72 2356.7 0.97 128.26 31.17

and 103.63 115.82 12.19 0.18 2.69 1464.9 0.62 128.83 (i)

and 120.40 124.97 4.57 0.18 3.10 986.0 0.50 32.35 (i)

and 144.78 149.35 4.57 0.19 1.60 766.7 0.43 50.59 124.74

and 167.64 190.50 22.86 0.21 2.47 1308.1 0.60 71.15 182.68




RC10-027 137.16 16.76 106.68 89.92 0.12 1.71 581.9 0.31 30.38 79.60

Incl. 38.10 42.67 4.57 0.15 3.50 915.2 0.45 18.65 109.98

and 48.77 56.39 7.62 0.21 2.52 792.2 0.47 89.53 485.37

and 70.10 74.68 4.58 0.13 3.44 966.1 0.45 37.34 100.09

and 88.39 102.11 13.72 0.25 2.25 1093.6 0.58 49.63 34.38

RC10-027 124.97 131.06 6.09 0.39 3.03 1061.4 0.73 100.03 410.49




RC10-028 32.00 1.52 32.00 30.48 0.14 1.44 741.3 0.36 30.74 149.42

Incl. 21.34 24.38 3.04 0.23 2.50 1155.0 0.58 45.00 290.00

and 27.43 32.00 4.57 0.14 1.90 981.3 0.43 50.32 490.15




Drill holes with Au equivalent grades less than 0.40 g/t are not displayed in the above table unless the interval included a shorter interval with a Au equivalent grade greater than 0.40 g/t.


(1) Au equivalent metal prices: $US$846.00/oz gold, US$3.31/lb copper, US$14.40/oz silver (3 yr average; no discount for metallurgical recovery in contained metal figures).


(2) True widths are unknown


(i) values less than 30 ppm were not reported in table Granger Target






Interval (1)

(Au, Hole Length From To (2) Au Ag Cu Ag, Mo W No. (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) Cu) (ppm) (ppm)




RC10-001 153.92 3.35 73.15 69.80 0.42 0.52 428.6 0.54 (i) (i)

Incl. 3.35 10.67 7.32 0.50 0.42 527.3 0.65 (i) (i)

and 16.76 21.34 4.58 3.38 1.83 534.7 3.56 (i) (i)

and 36.58 41.15 4.57 0.97 0.53 574.2 1.14 (i) (i)




RC10-002 150.88 3.66 12.19 8.53 0.31 1.70 741.0 0.54 (i) (i)

and 30.48 39.62 9.14 0.19 1.75 810.3 0.44 (i) (i)




RC10-003 152.4 1.52 39.62 38.10 0.37 0.80 324.3 0.47 (i) (i)

Incl. 24.38 25.91 1.53 6.22 0.90 238.0 6.30 (i) (i)




RC10-004 155.45 68.58 71.63 3.05 0.21 1.35 651.5 0.41 (i) (i)




RC10-008 126.49 33.53 41.15 7.62 0.30 0.86 720.4 0.51 (i) (i)




RC10-010 100.58 68.58 82.30 13.72 0.29 0.69 847.8 0.53 (i) (i)




RC10-011 137.16 41.15 45.72 4.57 0.26 2.17 463.4 0.42 (i) (i)

RC10-011 73.15 82.30 9.15 0.37 0.82 388.6 0.49 (i) (i)

RC10-011 85.34 86.87 1.53 1.44 2.30 441.0 1.60 (i) (i)




RC10-012 89.92 51.82 54.86 3.04 0.78 1.30 182.0 0.86 (i) (i)




RC10-013 152.4 12.19 15.24 3.05 0.52 0.55 181.5 0.58 (i) (i)

RC10-013 25.91 32.00 6.09 0.43 0.35 229.2 0.49 (i) (i)

RC10-013 118.87 124.97 6.10 0.27 0.80 428.3 0.40 (i) (i)

RC10-013 147.83 152.40 4.57 0.37 0.33 226.5 0.43 (i) (i)




RC10-014 152.4 73.15 80.77 7.62 0.42 1.24 904.5 0.68 (i) 63.14

RC10-014 105.16 109.73 4.57 0.70 0.70 650.4 0.89 (i) (i)

RC10-014 135.64 137.16 1.52 0.58 0.70 671.0 0.77 (i) (i)

RC10-014 149.35 150.88 1.53 0.52 0.50 367.0 0.63 (i) (i)




RC10-015 178.31 1.52 16.76 15.24 0.29 0.76 622.5 0.47 (i) (i)

Incl. 12.19 15.24 3.05 0.98 2.36 1768.0 1.49 (i) (i)

RC10-015 65.53 74.68 9.15 0.30 0.45 388.7 0.41 (i) 46.80

Incl. 65.53 70.10 4.57 0.51 0.80 588.8 0.68 (i) 87.02

RC10-015 132.59 138.68 6.09 0.34 0.90 457.2 0.48 (i) (i)




RC10-016 143.26 96.01 102.11 6.10 0.96 4.03 2224.1 1.62 (i) 129.69




Drill holes with Au equivalent grades less than 0.40 g/t are not displayed in the above table


(1) Au equivalent metal prices: $US$846.00/oz gold, US$3.31/lb copper, US$14.40/oz silver (3 yr average; no discount for metallurgical recovery in contained metal figures).


(2) True widths are unknown


(i) values less than 30 ppm were not reported in table


The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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